Our Projects

The SCT makes grants equalling approximately £40,000 annually. Donations made to the Trust, increase the assistance we can give. The selection of projects, recipients and partners below will give a flavour of the Trust’s programme. Further details can be found in the Trust’s newsletters.

Recent Grants

Grants are made 2-3 times annually. These are some of the applications that were granted recently.

Recipient Organisation Purpose of Grant
All Out Africa Building materials for a Neighbourhood Care Point (NCP) catering for young vulnerable children
Yebo Art Reach Development of a community arts centre
St Joseph’s Primary School Purchase of two braille machines
High School for the Deaf Equipment for vocational training
Siteki Primary School for the Deaf Employ a Deaf teaching assistant for vocational training
Kwakha Indvodza Tools for skills training and business development for the male mentoring organisation
Vusweni Youth Project Fencing and borehole for community garden
Ndunayithini High School Construction of  school kitchen