Children dancing with mountainous background Thirty runners in Swaziland Charitable Trust T-shirts around the Eswatini flag

What We Do

The SCT’s work can be divided into three areas: education, agriculture and social welfare. Agriculture The agricultural programme targets low rainfall areas where there is an acute shortage of food. Unemployment in rural areas is in excess of 25% and half the population lives in poverty. Recurrent droughts in these areas, covering one third of […]


How to Help

Royal Parks Half Marathon A big thank-you to Jonathan Gilbert, the SCT’s newest trustee, and the 30 dedicated runners who ran the Royal Parks Half Marathon on the 13th of October. They raised an incredible £17,724. This will go directly towards supporting orphaned and vulnerable students as they pursue their tertiary education. A special mention […]


Our Projects

The SCT makes grants equalling approximately £40,000 annually. Donations made to the Trust, increase the assistance we can give. The selection of projects, recipients and partners below will give a flavour of the Trust’s programme. Further details can be found in the Trust’s newsletters. Recent Grants Grants are made 2-3 times annually. These are some […]



The Swaziland Charitable Trust (the SCT) works for the people of the Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), helping to develop a healthy and well-educated community. Collective and individual efforts are supported. The Trust’s long experience in the Kingdom and its local Board of Management ensure that assistance is responsive to local needs. Organisations, both large and small, can apply to the SCT for grants.

The projects we support are closely monitored and seen through to completion. The SCT most commonly offers grants to schools, community groups and charities in Eswatini. It operates an orphan support scheme and it acts as a conduit for other charities assisting Eswatini.

The Swaziland Charitable Trust is an English Registered Charity (No. 257666).